Friday, June 12, 2009

Basically a Photo Blog

The Kids and I went outside tonight about 6:30 to wear out the kids. I just let Eddie run around on the playground equipment and I took some pictures of Lilli since I still haven't done her one year photos. OOPS! lol I got at least one I will be printing off in the near future that I absolutely love. The post processing I did on it I think is what made the picture. Not normally the route I would have taken but I love it.
A girl and her Baby Doll

Do you see why its my favorite? Just something so sweet and inocent going on there.

Another favorite. She just snuggled right up on my tummy while I was trying to take a picture of Edward. (who wouldnt let me take any of him grrr) so I quickly turned the camera around on the two of us. This conversion seemed so right for the emotions I felt in this one.
This is the best shot I could get of Edward while we were out playing. Not sure why only half of the slide is green and the other half is black. Wierd. Still cute all the same. I wish Budda would let me take some nices ones of him.